You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Printing a Report > Output


In the Report dialog, click the [More] button to display the Report “Output Options”. Choose from the pull-down list whether to print a report, save it to a text file or display it on the screen by clicking the appropriate option. If you choose the Text option, you must enter a name in the Output Table text box.

Note: When sending a report to a file or displaying it on the screen, formatting is not preserved.

HTML Output

You can choose to save a report as a text file or an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) file. This feature allows you to prepare your Analyzer reports to be distributed or published via the World Wide Web. Analyzer generates HTML files in HTML 3.2 format.

To produce a report in HTML format, do the following:

1. In the Report dialog, click the [More] button to display the “Output Options” pull-down list.
2. Select HTML Text File as your output from the drop-down list.
3. Specify a file name in the Output Table text box.
4. Click [OK] to create the HTML file.

Note: Since most Analyzer report output is in table format, a Web browser that supports tables, such as Netscape 3 or higher, Internet Explorer 3 or higher and so on, is required to View the output.