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Reads printable numeric ASCII or EBCDIC data that corresponds to the COBOL display field type.

Numeric refers to printable numbers in either ASCII or EBCDIC, as opposed to packed or zoned. This field type can include any punctuation, but most commonly includes leading or trailing blanks, an optional leading or trailing sign, embedded commas and an explicit decimal point.

Numeric treats leading zeros as blanks. It has a maximum length of 40 bytes (up to 22 digits).

Note: Decimal places refers to implicit decimal digits. If a field definition includes decimals but no explicit decimal point, a decimal point is implied. For example, in a field with two decimal places, Analyzer interprets 123 as 1.23; 12.3 as 12.30; and 12. as 12.00.

If the specified decimal places differ from the explicit decimals in the field, the field is rounded to the appropriate number of decimals.

Analyzer correctly interprets parentheses and “CR” as negative, but ignores commas and other punctuation, such as $. Signs can be either leading or trailing, fixed or floating.