You are here: Field Types > Micro


Reads unsigned binary numeric data created on PCs and DEC minicomputers.

Micro refers to a binary number that stores the least significant byte first and the most significant byte last. This field type is appropriate where microcomputer integer or long data is represented.This field type is not appropriate for mainframe and minicomputer binary fields, which usually store the most significant byte first. For more information, see Binary.

The length of the micro field type is a maximum of 8 bytes. The number of decimals is the implied number of decimal digits and cannot be larger than the number of digits implied by the length.

Micro fields with even lengths are treated as signed binary fields (two’s compliment), unless the “Unsigned” data field attribute is unchecked. All odd lengths are treated as unsigned fields (implicit high-order zero bytes are added). For more information on the Unsigned field attribute, see Numeric Fields.