You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Application Screen > Menu


The main menu contains lists of Analyzer commands and options.

There are ten Analyzer menu items:

File lists options for managing Analyzer Projects, as well as quitting Analyzer. It also displays previous Projects that have you opened
Edit lists options for editing the various components of the Analyzer Project. It also includes a Find option for searching in the active Command Log or Procedure tab, and options to Cut, Copy and Paste.
Data lists Analyzer commands that manipulate and sample data including the SQL command to issue SQL Select statements to retrieve data from a SQL data source
Analyze lists Analyzer commands that analyze data
Share lists options for creating and managing shared folders (Personal, Team or Enterprise)
Applications - lists procedures stored in shared folders. Any sub-folders within the shared folder act as application menu items
Tools lists miscellaneous Analyzer commands, including commands for procedures, scheduling procedures, customizing the button bar and managing the Command Log. It also provides an Options dialog for setting user preferences
Server lists options for setting up Arbutus Server profiles, connecting and disconnecting from an Arbutus Server, accessing server connection activity logs, and exploring a server
Windows lists options for opening the Command Log, Show/Hide Variables Windows, and closing an active tab
Admin provides access to the Admin Tool for viewing and modifying scheduled procedures (jobs) in an enterprise shared folder on a specific Arbutus Windows Server
Help lists options for displaying Analyzer Help, Contacting Analyzer, internet software activation, checking for software updates and displaying version information

The items on the menu apply to the current Analyzer Project. When menu items do not apply to the active tab or window, the menu item is grayed out.