You are here: Field Types > Logical


Reads ASCII or EBCDIC data that has a logical value of either true or false.

Logical refers to a one-byte long field that is either zero (false) or non-zero (true).

Note: Analyzer treats ASCII and EBCDIC “F” (for false), “0” (for zero) or “N” (for No) fields (in upper or lowercase) as false, although it usually evaluates the non-zero value as true. This is to accommodate the use of “T” and “F”, “0 and 1” or “Y” and “N” characters as logical values. Analyzer also considers an ASCII blank (hex 20) as false for compatibility with dBASE products.

Note: When a logical data or computed field is defined , it is automatically given the "Hidden" field attribute and is not displayed in field selection lists for commands but will appear in the filter list within the Expression Builder. To change the "Hidden" field attribute simply edit the field, click the Advanced button and then un-check the "Hidden" field attribute.