You are here: Functions > LISTFIND()


You can use LISTFIND() function to test for the presence of a list of literal strings (contained in one or more specified text files) within the entire record or in one or more specified fields (numeric, character or date). LISTFIND() returns a true value if any listed literal string is found and a false value otherwise.

The LISTFIND() function is case-insensitive (finds matches in upper, lower and mixed cases) and searches for either ASCII or EBCDIC characters based on the field definitions.

Note: For searching non-character fields, Analyzer bases its string search on GLOBAL DISPLAY RULES. See Customizing Analyzer for more information.

Similar to the FIND() function. For more information see FIND().

Use of variable arrays in place of the list file is supported for this function. This means that a list of values can be provided using a single variable array rather than an actual list file. For more information see Variable Arrays.

For an alternative to using the LISTFIND() function, see Whole Word Searches.

Function Format

Finding Literals Within a Field or Fields

Finding Literals Within a Record

Constructing and Using the List File

Location of the List File

Replacing the List File with a Variable Array

Performance Issues