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LFILL() allows a specified string to be padded with a specified leading character to a specified length.

Useful for harmonizing data. For instance, adding leading zeros to a key field (like an invoice number) in one table to make the key field comparable to a similar key field in another table that already contains leading zeros. Harmonizing key fields is typically done for the purpose of joining or relating the data from both tables.

Function Format

LFILL(C|N, "replacement_character", length)

Takes string C and makes it the specified length. If string C is shorter than the specified length, then the string is filled to the left with the specified replacement_character to the desired length. If the string C is longer than the specified length, then the left-most characters from string are removed, to adjust the string to the desired length as required.

If a numeric value N is provided as the first function parameter, the numeric value is automatically converted to a character value with leading blanks trimmed.

Note: If the specified 'replacement-character' is a string of a length greater than 1 then only the first (i.e. leading) character is used by the function.

See also LTRIM().


Assuming a 4 character field called CUSTNO to which you wish to add 4 leading zeros to create an 8 character string:


This function also works very well with the LTRIM() function. For example, assume you have an 8 character field called CUSTNO containing leading zeros. If you want convert the leading zeros into leading blanks, you would: