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Interpreting File Layout Information

Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard automates most of the process of interpreting the record layout of source data files. It supports fixed-length files, variable-length files, multiple-record-type files, and even allows you to work with nonstandard record layouts.

Analyzer uses a table layout to describe the layout and content of the data file. The table layout includes important file layout information, such as:

Record length
Physical size of each field and its position
Field names and data types in each field

Analyzer automatically provides this information whenever it is present in the source data file. When it is not, you need to use an external file definition or manually define the table layout using information obtained from the system administrator.

Because of the close relationship between the table layout and the source data, the two can be referred to jointly as the table.

Table Layouts and Views

The table layout lets you define required data elements within the source table data. For example, the source table data may contain hundreds of fields and millions of records. You can use the table layout to define only the fields and records you need to analyze.

The table data defined by a table layout can be displayed in a View. The View presents the data in the form of a flat file, in columns and rows. Analyzer allows you to create multiple Views for each table layout in order to display only specific defined columns and rows.

You can also work with multiple source files by relating tables. Defined data from related tables can be analyzed and Viewed as though it existed within a single table.