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Indexing Tips

Here are some tips for working with indexes:

Give the index file a name that references some of the important details about the index such as the table name for which it was created, the key fields indexed upon and so on.
The quickest way to identify which index is currently in use is to look for a colored key icon displayed under the open table in the Overview.

Note: In an indexed file, numbers are listed before alphabetic characters.

Note: When an index is created and named (for example "INDEX_ON_VENDOR") it is displayed in the Overview with the supplied name but is written to the hard-drive with the relevant table name (for example "AP") appended to the front of the index name (for example "AP INDEX_ON_VENDOR.inx). This ensures that users can easily determine which table an index applies to (either by viewing the index name using Windows Explorer or right-clicking on the index in the Overview and choosing Properties).