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Include/Exclude Operations: Scope Parameters and Filters

Include/exclude operations let you limit the scope of data to be analyzed. You can limit the number of records to be Viewed or analyzed at almost every step of your analysis in Analyzer using scope parameters or filters.

Scope Parameters

Most commands allow you to specify scope parameters such as First, Next, If and While. Scope parameters can be used separately or in combination with other scope parameters.

First lets you specify the number of records to be processed, starting from the beginning of the file.
Next lets you specify the number of records to be processed, starting from the current position in the file.
If statements allow a command to process records based on a logical test. Analyzer reads the entire file and processes only those records that meet the test. If statements are created using the Expression Builder.
While statements allow a command to process records until a logical test fails. Analyzer processes records while the test is true, and stops when it meets a record for which the test is false. While statements are created using the Expression Builder.


Filters are logical expressions that return a true or false result. They can be used to create logical tests that determine whether a record will be displayed or processed. For more information, see Filters.

There are two categories of filters in Analyzer:

Global filters restrict the data that can be Viewed or analyzed in a file as long as the filter is active. Global filters affect the View and all commands.
Local filters can be combined with almost any single command or operation in Analyzer, letting you precisely define the scope of your analysis. If statements are a type of local filter.