You are here: Functions > HEXADECIMAL()


HEX() returns a hexadecimal string that is equivalent to an expression or field value that you specify.

Use HEX() when you are unsure about the exact contents of a field.

Function Format


HEX() converts the field value or expression F into a hexadecimal string. The resulting string is twice as long as F. The digits 0 to 9 and the letters A to F (for the digits 10 to 15) represent the 16 hex values.

In general, you should apply this function to fields rather than expressions because HEX() displays a representation of the internal storage format of expressions, which is not likely to be useful.

The operation of this function is similar to BIT(), in that it converts data to a lower form text string. However it accepts a field or expression as its parameter, rather than a byte location.


To find the hex value of field X that contains the string 12345:

HEX(X) = "3132333435"

To add a field to your View that is the hex value of the Count field, specify: