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Function Format


The SORTNORMALIZE() function normalizes the characters in the string C1 and then upper cases the entire string.

If the name of a substitution file is specified then it must be accessed from the client computer (most commonly from the Project folder). If the substitution file resides outside the Project folder then the full path to the file must be included. The substitution file must be surrounded by quotes. More than one substitution file may be specified, separated by commas within a single set of quotes.

Note: When specifying multiple substitution files, there should be no spaces before or after the comma separators.

If extra characters are specified, then they will be included as is, just like the alphanumeric characters.

Note: Since specifying the extra characters is the third function parameter, you must always specify a second parameter to access this functionality. If you have no substitution file to specify, then just include an empty string, like "" (i.e. two double quotes).

Tip: Multiple substitution files can be established, one for each type of replacement. For example, you can establish one file for address substitutions and another for name substitutions. Simply refer to the correct substitution file when needed.

For specific examples of using SORTNORMALIZE() syntax (basic syntax as well as using the optional substitution file or specifying extra characters), see Examples.