You are here: Functions > FIND() > Finding Multiple Strings in a Field

Finding Multiple Strings in a Field

To search for multiple values, such as the words “family” and “lawyer” in the JOB_DESCRIPTION field, enter the following condition in a command or as a View filter:

FIND("family lawyer",JOB_DESCRIPTION)

Analyzer searches the table and identifies any records where BOTH “family” and “lawyer” were found anywhere within the JOB_DESCRIPTION field. This is because Analyzer treats any blank space between the strings as a string separator, not as a blank space.

To search for multiple values, such as the words “family” and “lawyer” in EITHER the JOB_DESCRIPTION or TITLE fields, enter the following condition in a command or as a View filter:


Analyzer searches the table and identifies any records where “family” and “lawyer” were BOTH found anywhere within EITHER the JOB_DESCRIPTION or the TITLE fields.