You are here: Functions > FVLUMPSUM()


FVLUMPSUM() calculates the future value of a lump sum after a number of periods.

Use FVLUMPSUM() to determine the future value of an investment. The future value is the total amount that an amount will add up to, with compound interest. For example, when you put a lump sum in the bank and leave it, the ending bank balance is the future value. For more information, see Financial Functions.

Function Format


• rate is the interest rate per period.
• periods is the total number of periods.
• amount is the payment made at the start of the first period.

The result is returned to two decimal places.

If you enter an obviously invalid parameter such as a negative interest rate, Analyzer returns an error.


Let’s say you earn 1% per month in the bank compounded monthly. If you deposit $1000, to calculate how much you would have accumulated after 12 months, specify:

FVLUMPSUM(.01,12,1000) = 1126.83