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To create a sorted inventory file named Inventory_Sorted_On_Prodcls sorted in ascending order (the default sort order) by product class (the second column in the View):

1. Open the Inventory table.
2. Select Data from the menu and choose Sort to display the Sort dialog.
3. Select ProdCls from the Sort Key Fields list box. The default sort order is ascending, but if you want to change it, you can select the field from the Selected Fields dialog instead. To do this:
Click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. When you move the field you want to sort from the Available Fields list View to the Selected Fields list box, a triangular indicator appears next to the field name.
Click the indicator to change the sort order from ascending to descending.
Click [OK] to return to the Sort dialog.
4. The Sort Key Fields list box shows the selected sort field.
5. Enter “Inventory Sorted On Prodcls” in the Output Table text box, then click [OK] to execute the command and View the sorted table by product class in ascending order.