You are here: Functions > EXPONENT()


EXP() returns the exponential value (base 10) of a numeric expression. EXP() is the opposite of the LOG() function.

Use EXP() for financial applications requiring complex mathematical calculations. EXP() performs an operation similar to the exponentiation operator “^”, but can be useful in applications that also use the LOG() function.

Function Format


# is a numeric constant representing decimal places that cannot change from record to record.

EXP() returns the exponential value (base 10) of the numeric expression or field value N with # decimal places. The exponential value of a number is defined as 10 raised to the Nth power. Therefore, the exponential value of 3 is 1000. The inverse of an exponent is its logarithm.


EXP(3,2) = 1000.00

EXP(4.86,6) = 72443.596007

To create a field that is the cube root of the field X to two decimal places, specify:


Note: You can determine the Nth root by dividing the log of the value by N and taking the exponential of the result.