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Use the Dump command to display the contents of a specified file or the current record in hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC format.

Dump is useful if you have a problem defining a table layout or encounter invalid data.

Note: You cannot issue Dump from within a procedure.


The Dump command has the following command parameters:


Displays data in ASCII format.


Changes the width of the display. To change display width, enter a number in the text box or click the up-down controls at the side of the Columns spin box to increase or decrease the number of bytes displayed on each line.


Displays data in EBCDIC format.


Displays the contents of a file in one or more of hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC formats. When you select File, Analyzer displays the Open dialog, allowing you to choose the file that you want.


Locates a specified value in the data. Click [Find] to display the Dump Find dialog.


Displays data in hexadecimal format.


Displays the data in horizontal format.


Shows which byte is currently selected.


Displays the contents of a record in hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC formats. You can select one or more of these format options.


Takes you to the beginning of the Dump display if the beginning of the file is out of View.

Skip Bytes

Allows you to bypass a specified number of bytes before the dump begins. Enter the number of bytes to skip in the Skip Bytes spin box.

Command Mode Syntax

In command mode, you can either display a file or a record of a currently open file.

To display a file in blocks of 16 characters on the screen in hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC format, type:


file-name specifies the name of the file that you want to display
SKIP n specifies how many bytes to bypass before the dump begins. The default is 0
COLUMNS n specifies the width of the output, in terms of the number of data bytes to be displayed on each line. In the default mode of this command, the actual width of the display is approximately four times as wide as Columns, since the data is displayed in hex, ASCII and EBCDIC. For horizontal dumps, the width is approximately 12 characters wider than the COLUMNS value. The default is 16 for vertical display and 64 for horizontal display.
HORIZONTAL displays the data in a horizontal “over and under” format rather than the default vertical “side by side” format.

To display the contents of the current record in the primary file in hexadecimal, ASCII and EBCDIC format when a primary file is already open, type:


RECORD specifies that the contents of the current record be displayed.

Note: To display a particular record, first use the LOCATE command. For example, if you enter LOCATE RECORD 13 prior to entering DUMP RECORD, DUMP displays record 13.