You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Graphs > Drilling Down into Graphed Data

Drilling Down into Graphed Data

Analyzer also lets you drill down into the data underlying a graph. You can select one or more data series, then use Analyzer’s drill-down capability to give you a View of the data represented by selected portions of the graph. Analyzer uses the graph element to define a filter that shows only the graphed data and displays the filtered data in the open View. If no View is open Analyzer prompts you to choose a View or create a new View to display the filtered data.

Drill-down capability is available to all graphs except those generated directly from a View.

Note: The table layout and View for the graphed data must be open for drill-down in a graph to work.

To use the graph drill-down feature:

1. Select one or more data series to investigate. Click the left edge of a bar graph or click a pie chart segment to select it. Use SHIFT+CLICK to select several adjacent data series elements or CTRL+CLICK to select more than one non-adjacent elements.
2. Click [Drill-down] button. Analyzer displays a View of the filtered data selected from the graph.
3. You can continue to analyze the selected data in the View using other Analyzer commands and functions.