You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Designing Report Layouts > Default Filter

Default Filter

As a report option, you can enter a default filter by clicking the in the [More] button and entering a condition in the “Only include records if” text box or click [Expression] and use the Expression Builder to create a default filter for your View/report.

You can have both a default filter for the table layout and a default filter for the View/report in effect at the same time. For example, you might have a default filter set for your table that displays only inventory records for Product Class 8. You may also want to specify a View/report default filter so that your View/report includes only items in Product Class 8 which have a positive value.

Note: If both a default filter for the table and a default filter for the View/report exist, then the View filter will display the combined filter conditions for both default filters and will only display data meeting both default filters in the View/report.