You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Button Bar > Customizing the Button Bar

Customizing the Button Bar

You can add, delete or replace buttons at any time. You can also add blank spaces or a separator bar to separate groups of buttons. To customize the button bar, do the following:

1. Right-click on the Button Bar and select "Edit Button Bar" or select Tools from the menu and choose Customize.
2. You can edit buttons in one of three ways:
Select a new item in the “Available Commands” list box and then click [Add] to add a new button, a blank button or a separator to the button bar.
Select an item in the button bar from the “Selected Commands” list box and then click [Remove] to remove the item from the button bar.
Select an item in the button bar from the “Selected Commands” list box and then click [Move Up / Move Dn] to change the position of a item in the button bar.

Note: By default, Analyzer adds a new button to the far right of the button bar. If an existing item is first highlighted in the “Selected Commands” list box, adding a new button will cause it to appear in front of the highlighted item and shifts the other buttons as necessary. If the buttons fill more than one line, Analyzer wraps the buttons to multiple lines.

3. Click [OK] to save the changes you made to the button bar or [Cancel] to leave the button bar unchanged.