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Convert Imported Unicode Data to ASCII

This option is used when defining an SQL based data source in the Data Definition Wizard (via ODBC or Relational options including EXCEL) or when using the SQL command. This preference is OFF by default.

When this preference is ON:

Any Unicode data that is read is converted to ASCII. This preference should only be used if you are confident that the source data only contains North American English characters.
The keyword ASCII is automatically added to the SQL command created from the SQL command dialog and the resulting Import ODBC/OPENEXCEL commands created for data defined via the Data Definition Wizard.
Any previously created Import ODBC/OPENEXCEL or SQL commands in existing procedures will be treated as if they contain the ASCII keyword

See Set SQLASCII for setting this preference within a procedure.

Note: "Convert Imported Unicode Data to ASCII" check boxes have also been added to the SQL command dialog and to the Data Definition Wizard's File Format and Select Data Source or Subsystem panels. When this global preference is set ON, those check boxes are also automatically selected. When this global preference is set OFF, users can still manually choose this option as part of the definition process for valid individual data sources.

Note: For the SQL command and the Data Definition Wizard's File Format and Select Data Source or Subsystem panel, if the chosen Data Source or DSN name includes Unicode characters then this option must be turned off.