You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Modifying a View > Changing the Font

Changing the Font

Fonts are applied to a specified area of a View or report. You cannot change the font for only a single column, column title, record or total. For example, if you change the font for a column title, you will change the font for all column titles in that View or report.

You can specify different fonts for titles and data in the View and reports and for the header, footer and totals in reports.

To change the fonts in a View or report:

1. Right-click and select “Report Fonts...” in the View to see the Select View Font dialog.
2. Click [Header], [Titles], [Data], [Totals] or [Footer] to display the Font dialog to change the font for the selected area. You can change all the fonts by clicking [All].

Note: You can only select from installed fonts on your computer - the Sample box previews the selected font.

3. Select a desired display font and click [OK]. Repeat font selection for each report area as required.
4. When finished, click [OK] in the Select View Fonts dialog to apply the font changes to the View/report.