You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Analyzer Preferences > Changing User Preferences

Changing User Preferences

To change your user preferences, select Tools from the menu and choose Options.

Analyzer displays the Options dialog. The first time you open the Options dialog, Analyzer displays the [Interface] tab. After that, Analyzer displays the tab you selected when you last closed the Options dialog. The path for the Analyzer executable being used is always shown at the bottom of the Options dialog.

Note: You can also set user preferences in command mode using the Set command. See Set with Preference Equivalents and Set with No Preference Equivalents.

Select options by clicking the checkbox beside the option, entering text in a text box or selecting from a pull-down list. When you have finished selecting or specifying options, click one of the following:

[OK] to save the preference settings.
[Cancel] to cancel any changes made to preference settings.
[Help] to view Help related to the active option tab.
[Default] to reset the button bar and all preference options to their default settings
[Close] to save the restored default settings. The [OK] button becomes a [Close] button whenever the [Default] button is clicked.