You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Customizing Graphs > Changing Graph Types

Changing Graph Types

Analyzer displays the graph in a default 3-D bar graph. You can display graphs in 2-D or 3-D bar, 2-D or 3-D stacked, 2-D or 3-D pie graph, 3-D layered or line graph formats. The Benford graph type combines 2-D bars with lines and lets you graph data created using the Benford command.

Graph type buttons that are grayed out cannot be used with the data you have selected for graphing.

To change the graph type, do the following:

1. Click the [Graph Type] button on the graph window. Analyzer displays the Graph Type dialog.
If your results contain a single item, Analyzer grays out the stacked and 3-D layered graph options. If your results contain multiple items, the stacked and layered graph options are available but the pie graph options are grayed out.
2. Click one of the available graph formats for that command and click [OK]. Analyzer displays the results in the format you selected.
3. Click the [Rotate Chart Left] button or the[Rotate Chart Right] button to rotate the graph left or right. If you have a mouse with a wheel button, you can rotate the wheel mouse to rotate the graph.