You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Customizing Graphs > Changing Data Display Properties

Changing Data Display Properties

The Format Data dialog lets you change the data series that are displayed in the graph and change the colors assigned to each data series. For example, you could choose to display fewer data series or choose to display the Count field, which may be hidden by default. You can also change the font size, style, color and orientation of the data labels or you can hide them from View.

To display this dialog, click [Format Data] on the button bar beside the graph.

The Format Data dialog has four tabs:

Data Series

Data Tab

Choose the fields that you want to display in the graph. Use the [-->] or [<--] arrow keys to move fields between the Selected fields and the Available fields lists.

Analyzer displays graphs on one page. If there is a large amount of data, it may take a long time to draw the graph on the screen or it may be difficult to read. You can use the [Data] tab to display only the fields you want to see in the graph.

Options Tab

Use the controls in the [Options] tab to change the orientation of the label text. You can also use the Show labels checkbox to show or hide the labels.

In some graphs the data labels may overlap. You can click the Skip Overlapping Labels checkbox to hide all labels that overlap.

Font Tab

Use the [Font] tab to change the size, style and color of the font used for the numeric values on the data line.

Data Series

Use the [Data Series] tab to change the color assigned to each data series in the graph.

For 3-D layered graphs, you can change the color setting to transparent for one or more data series. This is useful when the tall bars in front block shorter bars at the back. You can also change the transparent color setting back to solid.

Moving Data Fields

You can also change the order in which the data is displayed in the graph to make the graph easier to read. Click the [Data] tab, select a field that you want to move and use the Up and Down buttons to change its position on the list. Click [OK] to display the graph with the change.