You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Customizing Graphs > Changing Axis Properties

Changing Axis Properties

The Axis Properties dialog lets you change the axis style, scale and font. To display this dialog, click the [Axis Properties] on the button bar beside the graph or double-click the vertical axis of the graph.

The Axis Properties dialog has three tabs:

Axis Style
Axis Scale

Axis Style Tab

Use the controls in the [Axis Style] tab to change the style, color or thickness of the axis line or the style of the tick marks that indicate the units of the axis scale.

Axis Scale Tab

Use the controls in the [Axis Scale] tab to change the scale values, the text orientation or to hide the numeric values on the axis scale.

Font Tab

Use the [Font Style] tab to change the size, style and color of the font used for the numeric values on the axis.