You are here: Field Types > DateTime > Blank or Invalid Dates and Times

Blank or Invalid Dates and Times

Analyzer internally converts blank or invalid DateTime values in a field to January 1st, 1900.

Note: A datetime field is deemed invalid if the date portion is invalid or the time portion is invalid, or both. If the date portion is valid and the time portion is not present, then the datetime is deemed valid and the time portion is assumed to be midnight of the specified date.

Though you can filter on this DateTime value of January 1st, 1900 to search for records containing blank or invalid DateTime fields, the best practice for searching for records containing blank or invalid DateTime fields is to:

1. Click the [Edit View Filter] button in the View to display the Edit View Filter dialog.
2. In the Expression text box, enter: NOT VERIFY(DATETIME)
3. Click [OK]. The View displays only records that have an invalid DateTime field.

For more information on Date and Time Constants, see Date, Time and Elapsed Time Constants (Literals).