You are here: Field Modifiers > Ascending


Ascending is a field modifier that specifies the default sort order for key fields, including computed fields and ad hoc expressions. Ascending can be used only in the Duplicates, Gaps, Index, Sequence and Sort commands.

Command Mode Syntax

Ascending order is implicit. There is no notation for Ascending.

In the following example, the Sort command is executed on the Location, Product Class and Quantity on Hand fields. The output is sent to an output file, File2. The sort order of the output file is ascending for the Location and Product Class and Quantity on Hand fields.

SORT ON Loc ProdCls QtyOH TO "File2"

Command Dialog Box

Click [Index On], [Sequence On] or [Sort On] and select fields. The sort order button is displayed with the field name in the Selected Fields list box. The sort order is set by default to ascending. Click the button to change the sort order.