You are here: Analyzer Concepts > Additional Operations and Routines > Arithmetical Operations

Arithmetical Operations

Analyzer lets you perform the following basic arithmetical computations to verify data in fields or to create new computed fields based on data in existing fields:

Addition (+)
Subtraction (-)
Multiplication (*)
Division (/)
Exponentiation (^)

Arithmetical operations can be performed between values in two or more fields in a record or between values in a field and a constant.

Fixed-point Arithmetic

Analyzer uses fixed-point, rather than floating-point, arithmetic for its numeric operations, with the exception of financial functions. Fixed-point arithmetic improves processing speed and allows you to control decimal numbers and rounding.

It is important to understand the implications of using fixed-point arithmetic to avoid rounding and overflow errors in complex numeric expressions. For more information, see Fixed-point Arithmetic.