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Application Workspace

In the main application workspace, Analyzer uses a pane (the Overview) and tabs (Command Log, Views, Procedures, Graphs, Edit Table Layout and Dump) to display command results as well as for selecting, editing and displaying file information.

You can display many different tabs at once, but you can work with only one tab at a time. The tab in which you are currently working is called the active tab and has the tab highlighted. An inactive tab has the tab grayed out.

Analyzer’s Application Workspace includes the three of the most common areas in which you do most of your work:

Overview pane
View tab
Command Log tab

To display these, open any Analyzer Project file and then open a table.

If the Command Log tab does not appear automatically when you open an Analyzer Project file, click the Command Log Button on the button bar or click Window in the menu and select Open Command Log.

Note: All open tabs provide a tool tip displaying their type and name when the mouse cursor is placed over them.

The title at the top of each tab identifies the contents of the tab. Some tabs have scroll bars that you can use to browse up and down through lists or View information to the right or left.

You can open and close all tabs. The main Analyzer window can be minimized, maximized and re-sized. Analyzer opens using the display settings you previously specified and remembers the settings from session to session in each Analyzer Project file.