You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Date Options > Abbreviations for Month Names

Abbreviations for Month Names

This option sets the default abbreviations for MMM format month names. Month names must be three characters long, in the correct order starting with January and separated by a comma.

Use this option when you want to read or display MMM format month names in a language other than English. The months must be entered in the correct order, starting with January.

This option affects the way Analyzer reads dates from a table and can be used to affect the way Analyzer displays dates in Views, reports and output files. For example, if MMM format dates in the table are in French, you would specify French month abbreviations:


Analyzer would then correctly interpret the string Fév as the second month and Avr as the fourth. If you also choose a Date Display Format that uses MMM to display the month, Analyzer will use the abbreviations you provided to display the abbreviated month names in Views, reports and output files.

Command Mode Syntax

SET MONTHS <TO> 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec'